The Paso-Team for your success
The qualified Paso factory service is recognized worldwide.
This service includes guaranteed response times and after sales service.
User-friendly controls, meaningful and CE-compliant documentation and comprehensive training are the best prerequisites for a smooth production process.
Especially in the phase after the installation and commissioning of the machine, or in new tasks, our experts can assist you in your work.
We are happy to help you with your problem solution.
Fast and competent remote diagnostics such f.e. via TeamViewer®, in case of a machine malfunction, are an excellent basis for a quick help.
In most cases it is not necessary to send a service technician.
If necessary, a service technician will come directly to your company.
(picture of a technician)
Employees with many years of experience and practical experience guarantee the quality of the Paso factory service worldwide.
As a result, you receive competent advice and the fastest possible troubleshooting in the moment of a fault.
Our technicians help you find solutions and troubleshoot problems, including software and programming issues.
A comprehensive spare parts warehouse guarantees acceptable delivery times.